середа, 1 березня 2023 р.

 Learn English with songs

Автор: Лебедюк О. Ю., вчитель англійської мови КЗЗСО «Дубищенський ліцей»






Learn English with songs


(Збірник пісень та завдань для аудіювання)




    Збірник містить 15 популярних пісень та інтерактивні завдання до них. Завдання розроблені таким чином, щоб дати можливість учням якнайкраще засвоїти представлені лексичні одиниці та  граматичні структури. Для цього використовуються різні типи завдань: заповнити пропуски, встановити відповідності, знайти помилки, поставити слова чи речення в правильному порядку, обрати правильну відповідь, завдання на визначення правильності/неправильності твердження, і т. д. До кожної пісні згенеровано QR код, за яким її можна знайти в мережі Інтернет та прослухати.







Рецензенти: Курта О. С вчитель англійської мови КЗЗСО «Дубищенський ліцей»








1.       Shape of you by Ed Sheeran……………………………………………..6

2.       Blinding lights by The Weeknd…………………………………………10

3.       Save your tears by The Weeknd…………………………………………12

4.       Freedom by Beyonce……………………………………………………14

5.       Viva la Vida by Coldplay………………………………………………..16

6.        The sky full of stars by Coldplay………………………………………..18

7.        In my Plays by Coldplay…………………………………………………20

8.        So am I by Ava Max……………………………………………………..24

9.        Oh, my, my, my…. By Taylor Swift…………………………………….26

10.      Watermelon sugar by Harry Styles………...…………………………….28

11.      I don’t care by Ed Sheeran ………………………………………………30

12.      Love yourself by Justin Bieber…………………………………………..33

13.      Your song by Elton John…………………………………………………35

14.      New Ruls by Dua Lipa……………………………………………………35

15.   Merry Christmas by Ed Sheeran and Elton John …………………………..39











  Learning a new language can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be boring. Incorporating music into language learning can be a fun and effective way to improve language skills. Let’s explore the benefits of using songs in teaching English as a second language.

   First and foremost, music is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. It can be a powerful tool for ESL teachers to connect with their students and create a more engaging and immersive learning experience. Music can help students learn new vocabulary, practice grammar, and improve their pronunciation.

   Using songs in teaching English can also provide a context for the language being used. The lyrics of a song often tell a story or express an idea, which can help students understand the meaning behind the words. In addition, songs can be a great way to introduce students to different genres of music and different cultures.

    Here are some specific ways that ESL teachers can use songs in the classroom:

Vocabulary Building: Songs can be a great way to introduce new vocabulary. Teachers can choose songs that include words that the students may not know and provide them with the meanings. Students can then practice using the new vocabulary in context.

Pronunciation Practice: Music can also help students improve their pronunciation. Teachers can choose songs that have clear, distinct lyrics and practice singing along with the song to improve pronunciation.

Grammar Practice: Songs can be used to teach grammar in a fun and engaging way. Teachers can choose songs that have a specific grammar structure, such as conditional sentences, and have students listen for examples of that structure.

Cultural Immersion: Music can be a great way to introduce students to different cultures. Teachers can choose songs from different cultures and have students research the culture and the history behind the song.

It's important to choose the right songs for your students. Consider their age, cultural background, and language level when selecting songs. Make sure the lyrics are appropriate and the language used in the song is at an appropriate level for your students.

In conclusion, using songs in teaching English as a second language can be a powerful tool for teachers and students alike. Music is a universal language that can help students connect with the language and culture they are learning. It can make language learning more fun, engaging, and effective. So why not add some music to your next English lesson?







вівторок, 21 серпня 2018 р.

Primary learners love craft projects and they are a great way to get students to engage with and practice new grammar. This week, Colin Sage – an ELT author, editor and teacher-trainer who specialises in Primary and pre-Primary learning – shares some of his favourite easy craft projects for grammar practice.
Craft projects are a great way to motivate Primary students: they’re fun to complete and, when displayed, they demonstrate to students that their work is valued. In this post I bring together a few of my favourite grammar practice craft projects. I like them because they’re all easy to prepare for and can be completed using only paper and the tools found in most pencil cases!

Make a class book

Class books can be used to practice just about any grammar area, depending on what you ask students to write about. A few of topics that I’ve found work well are ‘favourites’ (e.g. ‘My name’s Sam and goats are my favourite animal.’) or students’ imaginary monsters (e.g. ‘My monster’s got ten eyes, and fifteen legs. It can fly and swim.’).
Preparing this craft activity couldn’t be easier too. You just need to give each student an A4 piece of paper (ideally lined for them to write on, and with a frame for them to draw in). Once they have written about the chosen topic, ask students to illustrate their ‘page’. You can then staple the book ‘pages’ together and add a colourful cover.
When the book is completed, it becomes a great resource to read to students – or to have them read to you!

Make a paper-chain

This craft can be used to practice a wide range of grammar areas. At a low level students might swap basic personal details (e.g. ‘What’s your name?’ ‘How old are you?’) At a higher-level, students might practice past tense questions by finding 4 things that they and their partner both did at the weekend (e.g. ‘Did you go to the supermarket?’)
First, you need to do a little bit of folding and cutting, in order to turn sheets of paper into a paper people chain. There are explanations already online about how to do this, so I won’t give detailed instructions here.
When the paper-chain is ready, ask students to interview their classmates to practice their grammar. They then write the information that they find out from each student on one of the paper-chain’s ‘people’. Finally, students complete their paper-chains by drawing and colouring the paper-chain with likenesses of the people they interviewed.

Snake mobiles

For this craft, prepare a photocopy of a coiled snake for each pupil. The snake should spiral about 4 times and its head should be central. Students then practice grammar by writing around the body of the snake. For example, they might practice adjectives (e.g. ‘My snake is green and brown. He’s long and thin too. His name is Simon.’)
After this, students colour the front and back of their snakes and cut along the coils. Next, the head of the snake is attached to the ceiling using piece of plastic thread or string. When hung, the snakes’ bodies should bounce and twist.

Draw round and cut out a body part

For this craft, students draw round either their own hand, or work with a partner to draw round a foot or head. They then write on it, using the lesson’s target grammar, and, finally, cut it out.
Depending on the body part you choose, different grammar can be practiced. For example, a foot can be used to practice the present perfect (e.g. ‘This foot has been to the park this week.’) Alternatively, the head can be decorated and labelled to practice ‘I’ve got…’ (e.g. ‘I’ve got two eyes. I’ve got brown hair.’)

середа, 13 квітня 2016 р.

Виховний захід "MEET SPRING! "

                             Meet Spring!  

На сцену виходять двоє ведучих (В1, В2).
B1: Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear teachers and parents! Hello, everybody! Welcome to        
       our Spring Party!

B2: It’s springtime now. It’s time of awakening of nature from the winter sleep. It’s time of    wonderful spring holidays. It’s time of love and gladness.
B1: Spring is here,
       Summer is near,
       Grass is green,
       So nice and clean.
       Winter, spring, summer, fall –
       I like spring best of all.
Грає  музика, виходить, танцюючи, Весна, розкидає квіти по сцені. Плавно танцюючи
виходять Хмаринка, Пташка і Квіточка. Весна  торкається до них, вони прокидаються.

Хмаринка: The sun is shining,
                   The flowers are blooming,
                   The sky is blue,
                   The rains are few.

Пташка: Sound the flute!
               Now it’s mute.
               Birds delight
               Day and night;
               Nightingale in the dale,
               Lark sings in the sky
               Merrily, merrily,
               Welcome, spring bright.
Квіточка: Green blades of grass,
                 Yellow crocus shoots.
                 Go deep, dark roots,
                 Grow high, bright flowers.
                 Goodbye, snowboots!
B2: In the spring, in the spring,
      Sweet and fresh is everything.
      Winter winds are no more blowing,
      In the fields all is growing,
      In the spring, in the spring,
      Sweet and fresh is everything.
Весна: Hello, I’m Spring. I am glad to be with you. I bring you flowers, green leaves, bird’s songs, joy and happiness. I come with my three brothers, three months: March, April and May.

Учень 1: March brings sunny days and winds,
               So we know that spring begins.
               April brings the primrose sweet,
               We see daisies at our feet.
               May brings flowers, joy and grass,
               And the holidays for us.
Весна: Winds of March, we welcome you,
            There is work for you to do.
Вибігає Вітер, кружляє по сцені.
Вітер: I work and play and blow all day,
           I blow the Winter Wind away.
Вітер кружляє по сцені, здуває Хмаринку, Пташку і Квіточку. Вони, танцюючи, йдуть зі сцени.
Весна: My dear brother March, welcome, please.
Виходить Березень.
Березень: Hello, Im March. I am the first spring month.
B1: What is the weather like in March?
Березень: It is still cold in early March. But then, as the sun shines brighter, the days become
                 longer and warmer. On the 21st-22nd of March the days are as long as the nights.
B2: What can you see in the forests?
Березень: If you go to the forest in March, you will see that animals there are also glad that
                spring is coming. Hares and foxes change their coats for a summer dress. In March
                the first birds come. They tell us: “Spring is coming! Spring is coming!” They bring
                spring with them.
B1: What holiday do we celebrate in March?
Березень: On the 8th of  March we celebrate the International Women’s Day. Now it is the
                Holiday of Spring. It’s the day when we greet our dear women, give them flowers,
                presents and our love.
На сцену виходять двоє учнів.
Учень 2: My dear, dear Mummy,
               I love you very much,
               I want you to be happy
               On the eighth of March.
               Be happy, be happy
               On the eighth of March.
Учень 3: One, one, one,
                I love the sun.
                Two, two, two,
                I love my mummy, too.
                Three, three, three,
                My mummy loves me.
                Four, four, four,
                I love her more and more.
                I count from one,
                I love the sun.
                I count to four,
                I love my mummy more.
Усі співають пісню “ ‘Tis Springtime ”:
                ‘ Tis Springtime, ‘tis springtime,
                Cold winter is past,
                Warm breezes are blowing,
                And May’s here at last.
                The birds are returning,
                Their songs you can here,
               And meadows are smiling
               With spring flowers here.

 Весна: Dear April, welcome, please.
Виходить Квітень.
Квітень: I am April. I am a spring month, too. I am the fourth month of the year.
B1: What is the weather like in April?
Квітень: It often rains in April. Nature is awakening from its winter sleep. You can see green
               leaves and grass everywhere.
B2: What are birds and animals doing?
Квітень: Birds are coming from the south. They begin to make nests and prepare to have
               families. Insects also become active.
B1: What do people do in April?
Квітень: People begin to plant trees. Trees and flowers make people kind and our parks,
              gardens and streets beautiful.
B2: In spring we celebrate a great religious holiday. It is Easter. Easter is a feast of Christ
      resurrection. Nowadays Easter is a national holiday in Ukraine.
B1: Easter is celebrated according to the Moon calendar on the first Sunday after the first
      full spring Moon. Usually it is on Sunday between the 4th of April and the 8th of May.
Квітень: The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday. On this day pussy-willow
               branches are blessed in church. People tap one another with these branches
               repeating the wish

На сцену в цей час виходять двоє хлопців. Один із хлопців тримає в руці гілочки верби і
легенько б’є іншого, промовляючи вітання.
Хлопець: Be as tall as the willow, as healthy as the water and as rich as the earth. Not I am
                tapping , the willow is tapping. Easter is in a week!
Хлопці сходять зі сцени.
В2: In Ukraine we paint and colour eggs for the Easter celebration.
Весна: А зараз конкурс писанок. Запрошую на сцену двох  дівчат і двох хлопців. Ваше
           завдання : виготовити найгарнішу писанку.
Діти розмальовують писанку ( вирізане з картону яйце ). Грає музика.
Весна:  Thank you  very much. Here are your prizes.
Весна дарує призи. Діти сходять зі сцени.
B1: Easter begins with matins and High Mass, during which paskas, pysankas and krashankas
       are blessed in church.
B2: Butter, leaf lard, cheese, roast suckling pigs, sausage, smoked meat, horseradish and other
       provisions are also blessed.
Ведучі йдуть за куліси. Весна і Квітень стають біля куліс.

На сцену виходять 6 учнів з буквами E, A, S, T, E, R. Стають у ряд, утворюючи слово.E:  
 E is for Easter, coming soon,
A:  A is for angles, near the tomb,
S:   S is for a stone which was rolled away,
T:   T is for a tomb, found empty that day,
E:   E is for early morning, the women are glad,
R:   R is for the Risen Lord, no reason to be sad.
Учні йдуть зі сцени.
Весна:  Easter is a feast of joy and gladness. People celebrate it for three days. They often
             exchange Easter greetings, sing songs and dance.
Весна з Квітнем приєднуються до Березня.
Сучасний танець.
Весна вітає усіх з Великоднем.
Весна: Happy Easter! May your Easter be as happy as you are special. May your smile be as
            big as your heart. May your springtime be filled with joy and love.
Виходять двоє ведучих.
В1: When the skies are blue and clear,
       You will know that May is here.
       And it leaves at every place
       A flower with a beautiful face.
Виходить Травень.
Травень: I am May. I am the last spring month. May is a beautiful month. The sky is blue.
                The sun shines, the birds sing in the trees. Forests and fields are bright green.
                We can see wonderful flowers in the gardens and in the fields. Every day the
                Gardens and parks look more and more beautiful.
B2: What holidays do we celebrate in May?
Травень: We celebrate many holidays: May Day, Victory Day, Mother’s Day.
B1: Mother’s Day is a very beautiful holiday. It’s the day when we give flowers, cards and
       gifts to our mothers. We prepare the concert for them. We wish our mothers health,  
       happiness and love.
B2: To each of us our mother is the dearest person. She is near us when we are small
       children and she is always ready to help us when we become older!
На сцену виходять 5 учнів.
Учень1: Who said “Good-night”
              When I was a child?
Усі: My mother.
Учениця1: Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay
                   And showed me often how to play?
Усі: My mother.
Учень2: Who ran to help me when I fell
               And who could funny stories tell?
Усі: My mother.
Учениця: Who sits at my head
                 When I am in bed?
Усі: My mother.
Учень3: Who is so nice, who is so kind,
               Another so dear you’ll never find?
Усі: My mother.
Всі учасники виходять на сцену.
Пісня про маму.

Всі: May there always be sunshine,        

        May there always be blue sky,
        May there always be mummy,
        May there always be me!
В1: Dear spring, thank you for  your coming. We are glad to see you.
Весна: Thank you for your party. Dear friends, I’d like to give you this basket with sweets.
Весна ставить на сцену корзину з солодощами.
В2: And now we want to give our mothers these beautiful flowers. Thank you for your love.
B1: Щиро вітаємо наших любих матусь з цим чудовим святом.
Діти сходять у зал і вітають своїх матерів.